One study showed that the risk of heart attacks in people who increased within six hours after inhaling fumes from our cars and other motor vehicles.
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BBC said that scientists at the University of Epidemiology and Tropical Medicine in London in the UK want to find out the relationship between air pollution levels and risk of heart attack by the hour. So they reviewed records of nearly 80,000 people who had a heart attack in England and Wales, while the reference to the data of the level of air pollution caused by vehicles should.
The results show that, if human exposure to toxic air (eg ozone, CO, NO2 and SO2), will increase the risk of heart attack in the next 6 hours and then subside.
Inhaling car smokes increases the risk of heart attack
"Our research indicates that air pollution is not one of the key factors for a heart attack phenomenon. For example, if the atmosphere with average pollution levels, risk of heart attack of man within 6 hours will only increase by 5% compared to the low level of pollution ", Krishnan Bhaskaran, who led the study, said.
Motor vehicle not smoke directly cause a heart attack, which only increases the risk. But if people are regularly exposed to it then will our health and life expectancy less reduced. "This discovery proves the risk of heart attack increased instant human, for about 6 hours, after we breathe in exhaust from vehicles," Professor Jeremy Pearson, medical director of the British Heart Association , stated.
According to Pearson, the toxic substances in the air can cause human blood vessel walls become thicker. The thicker the blood vessel walls, the risk of blocked blood - causes heart attacks - is increasing.
"Our advice to people remains unchanged. If someone is diagnosed with heart disease, he should travel restrictions in areas where air pollution levels are not high, as the roads are more motor vehicles "Pearson said.
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